Period: January to end of May
Partners: Romania, Turkey, Croatia
Coordinating teacher: from Romania:Prof.Ionita Flori, Prof.Badea Ramona Tamara,Prof.Militaru Adriana Rodica, Prof. Sima Georgeta
It is an interdiciplinary project that enables the partners create classroom activities and apply them in their classes.
Biology and history can be integrated in many ways. In this project, partners will find that many biology subjects can be taught to students by relating with historical processes. So pupils will learn and understand biology not as a science but also as a historical process.
Firstly, each partner will select a biology subject according to any grade he/she wants, relate it with history by desingning learning activities.
Secondly, each partner will apply his/her own activities with pupils, take pictures of learning environment and evaluate the process. Pupils will share their experiences with their peers and teachers. They will also make an self – assessment.
Finally, partners will share their own activities and experiences with others , discuss the facilities and difficulties of how to teach biology in a interdiciplinary way. In this project, to take help about historical events from history teachers is so important.
Expected results
At the end of the project, a new interdiciplinary area called biohistory will be created and applied in classes all over the world . So students not only learn biology but also can associate it with historicalvents.
The Bio-History project aims to develop among the participants: – communication skills with other participants in a foreign language – competence in science: * which will lead to an understanding of the concept of interdisciplinarity.
-the ability to use and manage scientific data and information and to communicate conclusions to colleagues * that involves critical analysis and curiosity, a concern for scientific discoveries, for identifying research and people that led to the progress of nations
– digital skills that involve the confident, critical and responsible use of digital technologies, as well as their use for learning, at school and for participation in social life.
-competences on security in the online environment
Each partner will choose a specific subject of biology and realize interdisciplinary connections with the discipline history, coreland data, research and events in science and medicine.
Each partner will also form teams made up of teachers teaching biology and history and a minimum of 10 students per team. They will establish themes specific to the evolution of science and history specific to their country of residence and will prepare presentations that will be presented to partners through the esep platform.
Students will work under the guidance of the coordinating teachers.They will present their work and results through the etwinning platform using different web2.tools applications such as canva, padlet etc.
In February 2024, after the creation of the team and the registration of students, both students and teachers are applied questionnaires on participation in the project.
Students are trained on the web2.0 tools (padlet, canva, ppt) that they will use.
The students will create an avatar through which they will get to know the students from the other partner teams. Each team will create a logo representative of the project and a slogan that will be put to the vote.
On 6 February each team will celebrate e-safety day by performing a specific activity poster, drawings, information.
All the activities performed by the students will also be found in a padlet document.
Students from all states will have 3 jointly prepared papers and online meetings.
– an online meeting of all students from the partner countries – a padlet document where the students get to know each other through an avatar and where they upload the documents: the proposals for the slogan, logo, parental agreements through the participation of the students in the project, e-safety day, web2 training.o
-a project-specific brochure or magazine with a role in disseminating this 3 activity involves an online test through which teachers and students share their opinions regarding the knowledge and competences acquired as a result of this project.
To disseminate the project, the coordinating team created an instagram page https://www.instagram.com/biohistoryproject/ where the project-specific activities will be posted in accordance with the GDRP.
After applying the test and olives online meetings each country applies for the quality certificate.